
Each entered the forest
at a point he, himself, had chosen
where it was darkest
and there was no way of path.
-Joseph Campbell
quoting from La Quest del Saint Graal
Lost in the wilderness,
one must emulate the explorer.
Everything is the path.
-William Douglas Horden
You are the traveler,
you are the path,
and you are the destination.
Be careful never to lose the way to yourself.
-Shihah al-Din Yahya Subrawardi
Midway upon the journey of our life 
I found myself within a forest dark, 
For the straightforward pathway had been lost. 
-Dante Alighieri
The world's a forest,
in which all lose their way;
though by a different path
each goes astray.
-George Villiers
One recognizes one's course
by discovering the paths that stray from it.
-Albert Camus
I am alone here in my own mind.
there is no map and there is no road.
-Anne Sexton
Any path will lead
with not direction
-The Oculatum
A little path can lead far away.
-Haitian Proverb
If you don't know where you are going,
any road will get you there.
Go - not knowing where.
Bring - not knowing what.
The path is long, the way unknown.
-Russian Fairytale
All in the dark we grope along,
And if we go amiss
We learn at least which path is wrong,
And there is gain in this.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Lest he should wander irretrievably from the right path,
he stands still.
-William Hazlitt
Sooner or later something seems to call us
onto a particular path.
-Carlos Castaneda
From my obscurity
came forth a light and illuminated my path.
-Kahlil Gibran
When the path reveals itself,
follow it.
-Cheryl Strayed
Your mission is the luminous path that you follow,
no matter how dark the night around you.
-Richard Bach
If we keep our stepping stones clear of choking vines, psychic traps,
our paths will reveal themselves and we may follow.
-Carolyn Mary Kleefeld
Like a path in autumn:
no sooner is it cleared
than it is once again littered with fallen leaves.
-Franz Kafka
Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you,
You must travel it for yourself.

It is not far, it is within reach,
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born
and did not know,
Perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land.
-Walt Whitman
Do not trouble your hearts overmuch
with thought of the road tonight.
Maybe the paths that you each shall tread
are already laid before your feet
though you do not see them.
-J. R. R. Tolkien
Everything is laid out for you.
Your path is straight ahead of you.
Sometimes it's invisible, but it's there.
You may not know where it's going
but you have to follow that path.
It's the path to the Creator.
It's the only path there is.
-Leon Shenandoah
You're guided by your highest right,
and wherever it takes you
is where you need to go.
-Richard Bach
The True Path is meeting your eyes even now.
Just attend to what is actually going on -
but keep it simple and keep it clear.
Just open your wisdom eye and see.
-Steve Hagen
The Path has no verbal explanations:
you must have your own insight.
If you follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track,
which has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life that you ought to be living
is the one you are living.
-Joseph Campbell
Our destiny is frequently met
in the very paths we take to avoid it.
-Jean de La Fontaine
The beautiful path is patient,
always waiting for you to come back,
the path that is so familiar to you, and so faithful.
It knows you will come back one day,
And it will welcome you back.
The path will be as beautiful and as fresh as the first time.
Love never says that this is the last time.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
From the host of ideas that come to him,
man must select;
he can only follow one path at a time.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
There are many paths,
and each man considers his own best and wisest.
Let each one choose
that which belongs to his own temperament.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Pursue some path,
however narrow or crooked,
in which you can walk with love and reverence.
-Henry David Thoreau

Follow the stream, have faith in its course.
It will go its own way, meandering her, trickling there.

If the path be beautiful,
let us not ask where is leads.
-Anatole France
Look at every path closely and deliberately,
then ask ourselves this crucial question:
Does this path have a heart?
If it does, then the path is good.
If it doesn't, it is of no use.
-Carlos Castaneda
Both paths lead nowhere;
but one has a heart and the other doesn't.
-Carlos Castaneda
There are many pathways from the mind.
There are no paths for the Heart,
for the Heart is infinite and pervades all.
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young, "Mooji"
The path of the heart
is the path of power.
-Douglas Bloch
The path of the heart requires a full gesture,
a degree of abandon that can be terrifying.
Only then is it possible to achieve a sparkling metamorphosis.
-Carlos Castaneda
The Path that leadeth on is lighted by one fire - 
the light of daring burning in the heart. 
The more one dares, the more he shall obtain.
-Helena P. Blavatsky
Only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon
will find his right road.
-Dag Hammarskjold
He to whom life's purpose is clear
is already on the Path.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The best path through life is the highway.
-Henri Frederic Amiel
The middle path is the safe path.
-German Proverb
The middle road is really the royal road.
Take the gentle path.
-George Herbert
A straight path never leads anywhere
except to the objective.
-Andre Gide
I have never seen a man lost
who was on a straight path.
No man has ever reached his destination
by persistence in deviation from the straight path.
-Mohandas Gandhi
If you're walking down the right path
and you're willing to keep walking,
eventually you'll make progress.
-Barack Obama
Nothing that belongs to this world,
however precious,
must hinder one's path of progress.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
By persisting in your path,
though you forfeit the little,
you gain the great.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
When we go astray
we deprive ourselves of the good things in life
by going away from the path
where those good things are found.
-Christian Larson
The reason for walking a crooked trail
is to experience what is right for you and what isn't.
-Jamie Sams
March on.
Do not tarry.
To go forward is to move toward perfection.
March on, and fear not the thorns
or the sharp stones on life's path.
-J. R. R. Tolkien
There is no better path
than one that does not stop.
-Mexican Proverb
To decide to walk on the right path
does not mean we are able to continue
without stumbling.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The path doesn't always hug the ridge tops;
it often falls into deep canyons,
sometimes moves along the waterways, across the valleys, deserts,
and the tall peaks of your inner self.
Its direction may not always seem clear
as you venture into the wilderness within.
-Charles Breaux
Every path has its puddle.
-English Proverb
We have the power
to make every path smooth as we go.
-Christian Larson
What a dynamic, handsome object is a path!
How precise the familiar hill paths remain
for our muscular consciousness!
"Oh, my roads and their cadence.”
-Gaston Bachelard
I choose the ascending path because my heart drives me toward it.
"Upward! Upward! Upward!" my heart shouts,
and I follow it trustingly.
-Nikos Kazantzakis
Does the road lead up-hill all the way?
Yes, to the very end
Does the day's journey take the whole long day?
From morn to night, my friend.
-Christina Rossetti
Our way is not soft grass,
it's a mountain path with lots of rocks.
But it goes upward, forward, toward the sun.
-Ruth Westheimer
Remember when life's path is steep
to keep your mind even.
Over every mountain there is a path,
although it may not be seen from the valley.
-Theodore Roethke
To find a mountain path all by oneself
gives a greater feeling of strength
than to take a path that is shown.
-Karen Horney
Two equally steep and bold paths
may lead to the same peak.
-Nikos Kazantzakis
Many paths lead
from the foot of the mountain,
But from the peak
We all gaze at the
Single bright moon.
-Ikkyu Sojun
The path up and down
is one and the same.
When all's said and done,
all roads lead to the same end.
So it's not so much which road you take,
as how you take it.
-Charles de Lint
You must always keep in mind
that a path is only a path.
-Carlos Castaneda
If you can see a path laid out in front of you step by step,
you know it's not your path.
Your own path you make with every step you take.
That's why it's your path.
-Joseph Campbell
If the path before you is clear,
you're probably on someone else's.
-Joseph Campbell
Make your own trail.
-Katharine Hepburn
You have a right to your own path.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
Everybody's path is for himself.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
We must each find our own path
and discover for ourselves
the joy of being what we are.
-Laurence G. Boldt
You will recognize your own path when you come upon it,
because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination
you will ever need.
-Jerry Gillies
There is no right path.
Only the one that allows you to sleep soundly
and wake up excited.
-Jennifer Louden
Oh traveller!
Seek the path that lies within you.
Ultimately there is no path
to this primary, basic, and ultimate consciousness.
There is no way you can walk to your own feet.
-Ken Wilber
Thou cannot travel on the path
before thou hast become the Path itself.
-Helena P. Blavatsky
When I went beyond myself,
the pathway finally opened.
-Mahsati Ganja'i
Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path
and leave a trail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
When I walk
I leave a path behind.
-Vittorio Canta
One may make a path for many
-The Oculatum
It is all one path.
How wide is your path?
When choices are taken away,
a perfect path remains.
-Bo Lozoff
The ultimate path is without difficulty;
just avoid picking and choosing.
-Blue Cliff Record
Might we see in time that the path is everywhere?
Might the way of our path, like old Tao, include all things?
-Tias Little
Wanderer, the road is your
footsteps, nothing else;
wanderer, there is no path,
you lay down a path in walking.

In walking, you lay down a path
and when turning around
you see the road you'll
never step on again.
Wanderer, path there is none,
only tracks on the ocean foam.
-Antonio Machado
There's not a road in front of you
that's the print of your own foot.
-Yamamura Bocho
What is the use of going right over
the old track again? ...
You must make tracks into the unknown.
-Henry David Thoreau
You don't need a path to find your way.
-Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
I maintain that Truth is a pathless land,
and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever,
by any religion, by any sect.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Gradually we realize that this pathless land
in none other than our own inner being calling out to ourself.
-Lewellyn Vaughan-Lee
The path is nothing other than the process of our development
toward greater awareness.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
The Path is essentially the finding of the Truth
which is already within yourself.
-Imre Vallyon
Everything one needs to know
is available to one through oneself.
That is the only path.
There are no secrets.
-Norman E. Sjoman
Truth has no path,
and that is the beauty of truth,
it is living.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
There is no path of wisdom,
there is no path at all.
There is no journey.
-U. G. Krishnamurti